(PC FORUM) - By default, Microsoft requires that the user has a cloud account (the so-called Microsoft account) created with the company or at the latest during the installation process. In contrast to the previous Windows, the system installer does not allow the installation without this and with only local account(s) being opened in it.

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Although it is possible to create such local accounts after installing Windows 11, and even switch to using them completely, it is a cumbersome operation that can be quite time-consuming. Fortunately, a small trick can be played to avoid the need to specify or create a Microsoft account during the installation process, and to create a local account for the administrator.

In previous Windowss, this could be achieved by simply unplugging the network cable or disabling the Wi-Fi adapter on a laptop during installation - but this no longer works with Windows 11. If you try this, the installer will ask you to connect to a network; if you unplug the cable after the installation has started, it will be detected and will stop the installation of Windows 11.

Instead, to bypass using the Microsoft account, we need to start the Windows 11 installer normally, then, after entering the product key (or skipping it and selecting the Windows edition), accept the license agreement and wait for the installer to copy the system's base files to our machine in the "Install Windows" window. Our machine will then reboot and load the second part of the Windows 11 installer - where, among other things, it will quasi force us to create or specify our Microsoft account to install the system.

This is the step in the process where we need to "take action" if we want the installer to create only one local account - which is not supposed to be possible. However, we can achieve this by using the "Preparing for" screen when "A little patience..." will appear after the "Is this the right country or region?" window, where you can select Hungary and then the Hungarian language, press SHIFT + F10, which will bring up a command line window.

In this command line window, you can then enter "oobe\bypassnro" and then press ENTER. It is important that before doing this, unplug the power cord from the computer if it has a wired connection and is still plugged in - otherwise, even if you do as described here, the Windows 11 installer will force you to enter your Microsoft account.

Read the full article: https://pcforum.hu/hogyan/200006/hogyan-lehet-feltelepiteni-a-windows-11-et-microsoft-fiok-vagy-internet-nelkul-is