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Thank you for your interest in SoftDirect. We hope you find the right software license for you!
Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC: The solution for older hardware
Microsoft's Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) version is specifically designed for users...
Our offer:
SQL Server 2022 Standard
456 900 Ft
Microsoft 365 Alkalmazások migrációja Windows Serverről Windows 365-re vagy Azure Virtual Desktopra
A vállalatok számára elengedhetetlen, hogy informatikai infrastruktúrájuk naprakész és hatékony legyen. A Microsoft nemrégiben útmutatót tett közzé a...
Easy organisation with Microsoft Loop
Microsoft Loop is primarily for business users, but is also available for users with an individual Microsoft 365 account....
Microsoft Office 2024: The start of a new era in office work
Last night saw the official release of Microsoft's Office 2024, which brings a long-awaited update to the well-established...