Today, the rapid pace of technological development and the rise of digitalisation are increasingly raising awareness of the importance of sustainability and environmental protection. More and more companies are recognising the benefits of using software licences to not only save costs, but also to reduce their environmental impact. In this article, we look at three important aspects of the growing importance of software licensing for sustainable development.

Savings in energy and costs

By purchasing used software licences, companies can make significant cost savings by paying less for software than for new licences. In addition, the use of used software reduces the energy consumption in the production process, which contributes to sustainability.

Longer product life

Reusing software licences means that products can be used for longer. This not only makes customers' IT solutions more cost-effective, but also contributes to greener business practices, as longer-life products result in less waste and a smaller ecological footprint.

Support for the development of green technologies

The second-hand software licensing market promotes the development and diffusion of green technologies, as companies can devote more resources to researching and implementing new green solutions. The cost savings will allow companies to be more innovative in sustainable development and have a positive long-term impact on the environment.

The software licences used are playing an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable development. They offer companies significant cost and energy savings while extending the life of products. Overall, this helps to promote greener business practices and to support the development and diffusion of green technologies. The second-hand software licensing market therefore offers companies not only an economically beneficial but also an environmentally positive solution.